Pictures from Tammy’s Appearance at Menlo School
Here are some pictures of Tammy taken from her appearance at Menlo School in Atherton, CA — with thanks to Peter Zivkov.
Here are some pictures of Tammy taken from her appearance at Menlo School in Atherton, CA — with thanks to Peter Zivkov.
Check out this series on YA Fiction at The Atlantic, written by Alyssa Rosenberg, Kate Linnea Welsh, and Rachael Brown.
Alyssa Rosenberg interviews Tamora Pierce for The Atlantic, and you can read it here: Tamora Pierce on ‘Twilight,’ Girl Heroes, and Fantasy Birth Control.
ThinkProgress has an article up in which Alyssa Rosenberg favorably compares the Beka Cooper books with HBO shows The Wire and Game of Thrones: Missing ‘The Wire’? Look For The Next New Day Co-Op.
Alyssa Rosenberg’s latest article at The Atlantic devotes a paragraph to Tamora Pierce’s Song of the Lioness quartet: Why Women Love Fantasy Literature.
Click here for Adventures in YA Publishing’s interview with Tamora Pierce on the occasion of the Tortall and Other Lands collection’s publication.
Read the Booklist Reader interview with Tamora Pierce and Bruce Coville about collaborating for Full Cast Audio: Inside the Audiobook Studio: Bruce Coville & Tamora Pierce.
Tammy’s video interview with Author is available on the magazine’s website.
An excerpt from Tammy’s interview with author Malinda Lo (Ash) can be found here.
See a video interview with Tamora Pierce on, a site that provides resouces for parents and educators of kids in grades 4-12. You can also click here to read a transcript of the interview.
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