The Protector of the Small

Keladry of Mindelan has spent her whole life wanting nothing more than to follow in the footsteps of her hero, Alanna the Lioness. Finally old enough to enter training for knighthood, she soon discovers that being allowed to train even though she’s A Girl doesn’t make things easier.
At every turn, Kel is forced to prove herself, not only to her teachers, but to her fellow pages and squires. Her relentless sense of justice and her inability to turn away from someone in need makes as many enemies as allies. With the return of dangerous magical creatures from the Realms of the Gods, and the looming threat of war, the Protector of the Small has a hard road ahead.
Books in this Series

Book Two in The Protector of the Small
As the only female page in history to last beyond the first year of formal training to become a knight, 11-year-old Keladry of Mindelan has an uphill battle to fight. In addition to proving herself worthy of being a page, Kel spends her time defending first-year pages from bullies, staying on top of homework, conquering […]
Book Three in The Protector of the Small
Fourteen-year-old Keladry of Mindelan is not your average squire. For one thing, she’s a girl. For another, she’s almost six feet tall. And most important of all, her ability to pass the Ordeal that soon confronts her may determine her kingdom’s future. When Kel is chosen by the legendary Lord Raoul to be his squire, […]